With schools all around the world forced to close their doors, and millions of teachers, students and parents now facing the challenges of distance learning, we have seen that schools are making even more use of Firefly’s features than ever before. In line with this, we’ve seen lots of teachers turning to video conferencing tools to deliver lessons and keep in touch with their classes.
Our brand new integration with Microsoft Teams Meetings now makes it even easier for teachers to bring their favourite tools together into one accessible space.
Teachers can now prepare and share learning resources and content within Firefly, and then add a Teams meeting for their class directly from within the Firefly page. Students have all of the resources they need for a particular activity alongside a link to their online lesson, whilst teachers can carry out their preparation quickly and easily in one place.
This exciting new integration is the latest addition to Firefly’s deep existing partnership with Microsoft. Firefly’s ability to embed Office documents, synchronise with Microsoft Active Directory, and integrate with OneDrive, alongside our SSO arrangement with Microsoft 365, provides schools with all the tools they need to deliver a modern and engaging learning experience.
Together in combination with the MS Teams Meetings integration, Firefly and Microsoft make it easy for teachers to combine curriculum content and home learning tasks, with face to face video conferencing, all within a single, accessible platform.