We have teamed up with the online textbook service Classoos, giving our schools trial access to a visual library of books within our platform.
Traditionally, accessing online textbooks can be complicated and time consuming as teachers and pupils have to work across multiple publisher platforms, logging in and out of their learning platform each time. Integrations between platforms can be tricky and cumbersome, reducing the value of the content provided.
Our partnership with Classoos has opened up a new way for schools to access online textbooks. Through a 14 day free trial, Firefly schools get instant access to a range of Classoos materials from leading publishers such as Hodder, Cambridge University Press, Elmwood and PG Online. Teachers can browse with confidence and select high quality, curated textbooks for their students by simply signing in once to Firefly.
Entire books can now be embedded into Firefly tasks and resource pages whilst allowing teachers to jump to Classoos with just one click to provide additional information such as notes, visual aids and videos. Bringing textbooks into Firefly gives teachers the chance to show their textbooks alongside their other learning resources. This means students can learn in the way that works for them with all the tools they need in one place.
Now available to all Firefly customers!
Classoos beautifully complements and adds value to the Firefly teaching and learning experience - together Firefly and Classoos have made it easy for teachers to source high quality books from a single place.